Rules and Regulations  


Students should maintain silence in the classes, library, reading room and in the corridors. Students should make every effort to take care of the college and hospital property and help in maintaining the same. They should not write on the black board, scribble on tables, chairs, walls etc.


We are following strictly Kerala University of Health Sciences syllabi.


The fee prescribed for each year should be remitted in the office before the commencement of each year.


Ragging is strictly prohibited. If any student, is found involved in ragging of juniors or any student, then the matter will be handled very seriously by the Anti ragging commitee, then the convicted student may be suspended and the case may be handed over to the Police.

Mobile Phone

Use of Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the college and the hostel. If any student happens to bring mobile phone to the college/hostel, he /she should surrender it in the office of the Principal/Warden before entering into the class/hostel.


Students must have the attendance as per the university norms both in theory and practical .Those that are having shortage of attendance will not be permitted to appear the university examination.


The students will be assessed continuously through out the course. Assessment will be done through unit test, sessional examination, assignments etc., and the average marks will be counted for internal examination. Corresponding marks obtained in the internal assessment will be sent to the University, which will be considered for the University theory and practical examinations for the promotions.

College library

We have well functioning library. The students should strictly follow the rules and regulations of library .They can read the books from library in the library hours and can take the books for the prescribed days as per the college rule by entering the register with the permission of the librarian.

Dress Code / Uniform

All the students shall come to the college/hostel properly, neatly and modestly dressed. Students have to wear the prescribed uniform while they are in the clinicals. They need to wear their identity badges through out, while in the college and clinicals.